pt-pg-summary collects information about a PostgreSQL cluster.
pt-pg-summary [options] [host:[port]]
Please check the releases tab to download the binaries.
Short |
Long |
Default |
Description |
Show context-sensitive help (also try |
Show application version. |
Summarize this comma-separated list of databases. All if not specified. |
Host to connect to or local Unix socket for connection |
Password to use when connecting. |
Port number to use for connection. |
10 |
Seconds to sleep when gathering status counters. |
User for login if not current user. |
true |
Disable SSL for the connection. |
false |
Show verbose log. |
false |
Show debug information in the logs. |
The output is grouped into these categories:
- AllDatabases
is false.- ClusterInfo
Selects cluster information from
.- ConnectedClients
Counts the connected clients by selecting from
.- Connections
and counts them.- Counters
Selects various counter values from
.- DatabaseWaitEvents
Shows database wait events from
, andpg_stat_activity
.- Databases
Shows the name and size of databases from
.- GlobalWaitEvents
Shows global wait evens from
.- IndexCacheHitRatio
Shows index hit ratios from
.- PortAndDatadir
Shows port and data directory name from
.- ServerVersion
Shows the value of
.- Setting
.- SlaveHosts10
Selects information for PostgreSQL version 10.
- SlaveHosts96
Selects information for PostgreSQL version 9.6.
- TableAccess
Shows table access information by selecting from
.- TableCacheHitRatio
Shows table cache hit ratio information from
.- Tablespaces
Show owner and location from
Output example¶
##### --- Database Port and Data_Directory --- ####
| Name | Setting |
| data_directory | /var/lib/postgresql/data |
##### --- List of Tablespaces ---- ######
| Name | Owner | Location |
| pg_default | postgres | |
| pg_global | postgres | |
##### --- Cluster Information --- ####
Usename : postgres
Time : 2020-04-21 13:38:22.770077 +0000 UTC
Client Address :
Client Hostname:
Version : PostgreSQL 9.6.17 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Debian 9.6.17-2.pgdg90+1), compiled by
Started : 2020-04-21 13:36:59.909175 +0000 UTC
Is Slave : false
##### --- Databases --- ####
| Dat Name | Size |
| postgres | 7071 kB |
| template1 | 6961 kB |
| template0 | 6961 kB |
##### --- Index Cache Hit Ratios --- ####
Database: postgres
| Index Name | Ratio |
| index hit rate | 0.00 |
##### --- Table Cache Hit Ratios --- ####
Database: postgres
| Index Name | Ratio |
| cache hit rate | 0.00 |
##### --- List of Wait_events for the entire Cluster - all-databases --- ####
No stats available
##### --- List of users and client_addr or client_hostname connected to --all-databases --- ####
| Wait Event Type | Client | State | Count |
| postgres | | active | 1 |
##### --- Counters diff after 10 seconds --- ####
| Database | Numbackends | XactCommit | XactRollback | BlksRead | BlksHit | TupReturned | TupFetched | TupInserted | TupUpdated | TupDeleted | Conflicts | TempFiles | TempBytes | Deadlocks |
| postgres | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| template0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| template1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
##### --- Table access per database --- ####
Database: postgres
| Relname | Kind | Datname | Count |
| pg_class | r | postgres | 1 |
| pg_stat_database | v | postgres | 1 |
| pg_locks | v | postgres | 1 |
| pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index | i | postgres | 1 |
| pg_class_relname_nsp_index | i | postgres | 1 |
| pg_class_oid_index | i | postgres | 1 |
##### --- Instance settings --- ####
Setting Value
allow_system_table_mods : off
application_name :
archive_command : (disabled)
archive_mode : off
archive_timeout : 0
array_nulls : on
authentication_timeout : 60
autovacuum : on
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor : 0.1
autovacuum_analyze_threshold : 50
autovacuum_freeze_max_age : 200000000
autovacuum_max_workers : 3
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age : 400000000
autovacuum_naptime : 60
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay : 20
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit : -1
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor : 0.2
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold : 50
autovacuum_work_mem : -1
backend_flush_after : 0
backslash_quote : safe_encoding
bgwriter_delay : 200
bgwriter_flush_after : 64
bgwriter_lru_maxpages : 100
bgwriter_lru_multiplier : 2
block_size : 8192
bonjour : off
bonjour_name :
bytea_output : hex
check_function_bodies : on
checkpoint_completion_target : 0.5
checkpoint_flush_after : 32
checkpoint_timeout : 300
checkpoint_warning : 30
client_encoding : UTF8
client_min_messages : notice
cluster_name :
commit_delay : 0
commit_siblings : 5
config_file : /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
constraint_exclusion : partition
cpu_index_tuple_cost : 0.005
cpu_operator_cost : 0.0025
cpu_tuple_cost : 0.01
cursor_tuple_fraction : 0.1
data_checksums : off
data_directory : /var/lib/postgresql/data
data_sync_retry : off
DateStyle : ISO, MDY
db_user_namespace : off
deadlock_timeout : 1000
debug_assertions : off
debug_pretty_print : on
debug_print_parse : off
debug_print_plan : off
debug_print_rewritten : off
default_statistics_target : 100
default_tablespace :
default_text_search_config : pg_catalog.english
default_transaction_deferrable : off
default_transaction_isolation : read committed
default_transaction_read_only : off
default_with_oids : off
dynamic_library_path : $libdir
dynamic_shared_memory_type : posix
effective_cache_size : 524288
effective_io_concurrency : 1
enable_bitmapscan : on
enable_hashagg : on
enable_hashjoin : on
enable_indexonlyscan : on
enable_indexscan : on
enable_material : on
enable_mergejoin : on
enable_nestloop : on
enable_seqscan : on
enable_sort : on
enable_tidscan : on
escape_string_warning : on
event_source : PostgreSQL
exit_on_error : off
external_pid_file :
extra_float_digits : 2
force_parallel_mode : off
from_collapse_limit : 8
fsync : on
full_page_writes : on
geqo : on
geqo_effort : 5
geqo_generations : 0
geqo_pool_size : 0
geqo_seed : 0
geqo_selection_bias : 2
geqo_threshold : 12
gin_fuzzy_search_limit : 0
gin_pending_list_limit : 4096
hba_file : /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
hot_standby : off
hot_standby_feedback : off
huge_pages : try
ident_file : /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_ident.conf
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout : 0
ignore_checksum_failure : off
ignore_system_indexes : off
integer_datetimes : on
IntervalStyle : postgres
join_collapse_limit : 8
krb_caseins_users : off
krb_server_keyfile : FILE:/etc/postgresql-common/krb5.keytab
lc_collate : en_US.utf8
lc_ctype : en_US.utf8
lc_messages : en_US.utf8
lc_monetary : en_US.utf8
lc_numeric : en_US.utf8
lc_time : en_US.utf8
listen_addresses : *
lo_compat_privileges : off
local_preload_libraries :
lock_timeout : 0
log_autovacuum_min_duration : -1
log_checkpoints : off
log_connections : off
log_destination : stderr
log_directory : pg_log
log_disconnections : off
log_duration : off
log_error_verbosity : default
log_executor_stats : off
log_file_mode : 0600
log_filename : postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log
log_hostname : off
log_line_prefix :
log_lock_waits : off
log_min_duration_statement : -1
log_min_error_statement : error
log_min_messages : warning
log_parser_stats : off
log_planner_stats : off
log_replication_commands : off
log_rotation_age : 1440
log_rotation_size : 10240
log_statement : none
log_statement_stats : off
log_temp_files : -1
log_timezone : Etc/UTC
log_truncate_on_rotation : off
logging_collector : off
maintenance_work_mem : 65536
max_connections : 100
max_files_per_process : 1000
max_function_args : 100
max_identifier_length : 63
max_index_keys : 32
max_locks_per_transaction : 64
max_parallel_workers_per_gather : 0
max_pred_locks_per_transaction : 64
max_prepared_transactions : 0
max_replication_slots : 0
max_stack_depth : 2048
max_standby_archive_delay : 30000
max_standby_streaming_delay : 30000
max_wal_senders : 0
max_wal_size : 64
max_worker_processes : 8
min_parallel_relation_size : 1024
min_wal_size : 5
old_snapshot_threshold : -1
operator_precedence_warning : off
parallel_setup_cost : 1000
parallel_tuple_cost : 0.1
password_encryption : on
port : 5432
post_auth_delay : 0
pre_auth_delay : 0
quote_all_identifiers : off
random_page_cost : 4
replacement_sort_tuples : 150000
restart_after_crash : on
row_security : on
search_path : "$user", public
segment_size : 131072
seq_page_cost : 1
server_encoding : UTF8
server_version : 9.6.17
server_version_num : 90617
session_preload_libraries :
session_replication_role : origin
shared_buffers : 16384
shared_preload_libraries :
sql_inheritance : on
ssl : off
ssl_ca_file :
ssl_cert_file : server.crt
ssl_ciphers : HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL
ssl_crl_file :
ssl_ecdh_curve : prime256v1
ssl_key_file : server.key
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers : on
standard_conforming_strings : on
statement_timeout : 0
stats_temp_directory : pg_stat_tmp
superuser_reserved_connections : 3
synchronize_seqscans : on
synchronous_commit : on
synchronous_standby_names :
syslog_facility : local0
syslog_ident : postgres
syslog_sequence_numbers : on
syslog_split_messages : on
tcp_keepalives_count : 9
tcp_keepalives_idle : 7200
tcp_keepalives_interval : 75
temp_buffers : 1024
temp_file_limit : -1
temp_tablespaces :
TimeZone : Etc/UTC
timezone_abbreviations : Default
trace_notify : off
trace_recovery_messages : log
trace_sort : off
track_activities : on
track_activity_query_size : 1024
track_commit_timestamp : off
track_counts : on
track_functions : none
track_io_timing : off
transaction_deferrable : off
transaction_isolation : read committed
transaction_read_only : off
transform_null_equals : off
unix_socket_directories : /var/run/postgresql
unix_socket_group :
unix_socket_permissions : 0777
update_process_title : on
vacuum_cost_delay : 0
vacuum_cost_limit : 200
vacuum_cost_page_dirty : 20
vacuum_cost_page_hit : 1
vacuum_cost_page_miss : 10
vacuum_defer_cleanup_age : 0
vacuum_freeze_min_age : 50000000
vacuum_freeze_table_age : 150000000
vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age : 5000000
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age : 150000000
wal_block_size : 8192
wal_buffers : 512
wal_compression : off
wal_keep_segments : 0
wal_level : minimal
wal_log_hints : off
wal_receiver_status_interval : 10
wal_receiver_timeout : 60000
wal_retrieve_retry_interval : 5000
wal_segment_size : 2048
wal_sender_timeout : 60000
wal_sync_method : fdatasync
wal_writer_delay : 200
wal_writer_flush_after : 128
work_mem : 4096
xmlbinary : base64
xmloption : content
zero_damaged_pages : off
##### --- Processes start up command --- ####
No postgres process found
Minimum auth role¶
This program needs to run some commands like getShardMap
and to be able to run those commands
it needs to run under a user with the clusterAdmin
or root
built-in roles.